What Is Keyword Density and Why Does It Matter?

seo keyword

The importance of keywords cannot be overstated. Keywords are an important component of your SEO strategy. Doing your homework can assist you in picking and ranking for high-performing keywords in your market, which will enhance user engagement and overall sales.

When people search for items or services, they generally use a broad term to indicate their basic goal, and assume search engines will provide relevant results. You can’t simply stuff as many keywords as possible into your content and expect trustworthy outcomes, though.

Here’s what you should know about keyword density:

What is good keyword density?

When it comes to keyword density, there are no set rules. However, many SEOs believe that for every 100 words of text, you should use roughly 1-2 keywords. This is around 1-2% keyword density.

It’s also worth considering the value of keyword variants — alternative words or phrases that are similar but not identical to your primary term. Not sure what kinds of variants would work best for your website? Look in the Google page’s “searches related to” section at the bottom.

Avoid keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is the act of producing low-quality content with a high frequency of the same term. The goal of keyword stuffing is to fool search engines, such as Google, into ranking your page higher in search engine results pages. Now, keyword stuffing has the opposite effect and search engines will penalize websites that continue to use it.

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