How to Find Your Target Audience

target audience

The key to a successful marketing campaign is understanding your target audience. If you connect with them on an emotional level, they will be more likely to form a lasting bond with your brand. But how can you find your target audience? Keep reading to find out.

What is a target audience?

Most businesses base their marketing decisions on target audiences, or groups of consumers with specific behaviors and demographics. For example, a business might consider its target audience to be female extreme athletes between the ages of 18 and 25. Knowing one’s target audience can help determine where to spend money on advertising, how best to appeal to customers and what products to develop next.

Some of these demographics and behavior areas to look at are:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Employment
  • Income


Having this specific customer information allows you to understand how they make purchasing decisions. By targeting a select group of people, your company’s message and products will be more relatable and campaign reach will expand.

How to find your target audience

Use Google Analytics to learn more about your customers

Google Analytics isn’t just good for general website insights. It provides incredibly specific data that can be filtered by age, gender, and location! This is essential information for any business owner looking to better understand their target market.

Look at social media analytics

When are your followers most engaged with your social media channels? You can find out by looking at when they respond the most to your posts. For example, do they engage more when you post a funny meme on Instagram or create a poll on Twitter? By understanding what content interests them, you’re one step closer to finding your target audience.

Use Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is essential for all page owners on Facebook. It’s a free service that gives you data similar to what Google Analytics would provide, but specific to Facebook. This information is key in understanding who your target audience is.

Create a reader persona to target blog content

Creating reader personas guarantees that you will never again forget who your target audience is. Your reader persona should be nearly identical to your buyer persona because the content on your blog must align with the needs and interests of those reading it. As an example, digital media would likely be a topic of interest for marketers who frequent blogs such as yours.

Marketing to your target audience(s) can be difficult, but by knowing as much as you possible about them, you will reap the benefits. Having multiple target audiences doesn’t make it any harder. In fact, understanding each group and how they differ is key to a successful marketing campaign that engages consumers.

With over 40 cumulative years of Digital Marketing, Programming, and Web Design experience, our team at Princeton Internet Marketing can help bring your marketing strategy into a reality. Contact us today and learn more about the different services we offer.